One of Rick Kelo's recent re-tweets perfectly illustrates his school of thought- 'The only legitimate purpose of government is protection of individual rights'- followed with a picture of the American Bill of Rights. In a world in which the growing presence of governments' influence and infringement into civil liberties, liberal economic and social thinkers like Rick Kelo are increasingly voicing their concerns. A graduate in economics, and equipped with an MBA in finance from the illustrious University of Chicago, Mr. Kelo has grown a large presence of online content and thought. He regularly publishes articles expressing his views on political, economic and social theory in the modern world, and is a regular contributor to the academic forum
In his works, Rick Kelo often expresses the dangers involved with pursuing socialism, and the effect that larger and more centralised government powers have on an economic and social system. Taxes are one such example of this. By taking huge revenues of taxes from the population, and distributing them to how they see fit, Mr. Kelo follows in a long line of thought that sees injustice and an infringement on individual liberty through such actions. Benjamin Franklin is and he often turns to for economic reconciliation, and as quoted by the great man on Mr. Kelo's website 'It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income'.
It is maybe easy to see then why Rick Kelo has turned his attentions towards working in the tax industry. He maintains the belief that those most affected by centralised government control, especially high tax rates, are the average working-class citizen, who see a large portion of their hard-earned money taken from them. In an attempt to aid these very people Mr. Kelo sees as being most damaged by the system, he recently began his new business venture Tax Scout, Inc., a speciality recruiting firm that works primarily in the area of taxation.
Mr. Kelo's experience in the industry in consulting and advising people on how to best navigate through the complex world of taxes have helped build his reputation as one of the leading figures and thinkers in the world of taxation. His business concerns it seems will never be drowned out by the liberal economic and social theories he maintains, and indeed it is these beliefs that form the very backbone of the enterprise he is aiming to grow.