Friday, September 30, 2016

Rick Kelo- A Towering Online Individual

One of the great things the internet platform has afforded people is a chance to do, is build up an influential online profile to help disseminate their ideas and utilize their education. In the past, we relied on traditional media outlets such as newspapers, radios, and televisions for all of our information. Naturally, with such limited channels, it was easy for governments to manipulate them or bend them to their will. However, in an age where people are more suspicious of their sources and motives, we have turned more towards educated individuals to hear their opinions and analysis on contemporary issues. Rick Kelo is one such man whose reputation has been built on his articulate criticism of modern American gove
rnment policies.

You can follow his views, thoughts and opinions by following Rick Kelo Official Account On Twitter here. Rick Kelo has long held an interest in the more nuanced and academic side of economics and finance, since graduating from the University of Chicago with an MBA in the subjects. Today, he runs a widely read bog and website on which he channels his knowledge and ideas in the form of concise and informative articles. He tackles issues such as taxation, social security, trade legislation, unemployment, minimum wage and the joys of unregulated capitalism.

Reading Rick Kelo's writings, it quickly becomes apparent that the prolific writer is of the classical liberal economics school of thought. Greats such as Benjamin Franklin, John Locke and Ludwig von Mises precede him with ideas warning of the dangers of large state control. Rick Kelo's works focus very much on helping inform the public on some of the implications government policy has had on encroaching on our freedoms and liberties. For classical liberal economics like Rick Kelo, it is a dangerous precedence, that will see out liberties slowly eroded away in time, and in turn destroy our economies.

For Rick Kelo, the internet provides the perfect platform on which to tackle these issues, and raise awareness of negative economic policies. He has built up a large online following of readers who also enjoy sharing his views and helping create a more informed public, and in turn benefit our economies. By freeing up economics from state control, we can hope to see a more prosperous future for the United States, and individuals like Rick Kelo are at the forefront of trying to make it happen. Follow him here at Rick Kelo Office Account on LinkedIn.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rick Kelo- Free market Capitalism and the Drive towards Progress

Since the age of Reagan and Thatcher, the neo-liberal doctrine of free-market capitalism has slowly imposed itself on Western society. For classical liberal economics thinkers, this is progress that needs to be made for the growth of capitalism, and in turn the economy. One such thinker who has taken to the internet to share his knowledge and inform readers on such economic issues is Rick Kelo. Belonging to the same school of thought as the Austrian and Monetarist traditions, Rick Kelo believes that capitalism and free-markets are the drive humans need to progress into the future.

You can find out more about him here at Recruiter Profile: Rick Kelo in Chicago, IL. Rick Kelo is a prolific writer and runs a highly informative blog and website. He uses this as a platform to discuss, analyze and inform of modern government policies and economic ideas that are shaping the world as we know it today. Rick Kelo uses his education to compare America to other nations economic systems, to compare and contrast how they have effected the society as a whole. He recently wrote an article entitled “What Capitalism Did to Botswana” where he looked at the growth of free-market Botswana against the stagnation of its neighbor: Marxist Zimbabwe.  The laissez-fare trading and economic policies in Botswana are often credited for its economies sharp rise to becoming one of the most affluent African nations, and in turn dragging millions out of poverty.

In a more recent article, he compared Botswana to America, specifically heavily interventionist Detroit, and how they differ in these terms. In 1960 Detroit was the #1 richest city in America. In 1961 it came under 1 party rule by the Democratic party. Detroit has struggled under countless economic interventions: high taxes, union favoritism, cronyism / favoritism toward its couple biggest businesses and so on. Detroit is already in America, the most heavily regulated nation on earth, but piles mountains of additional legislation & regulation on top of that. In comparison, Botswana does the complete opposite of this.

As a result, the infant mortality rates in Detroit are 120 per 100,000, and in Botswana 99 per 100,000. Further stats follow a similar pattern; income per capital in Detroit is $14,861 compared to Botswana's $19,316; and alarmingly debt to GDP in Detroit is 90% to Botswana's 14.5%. If you want to hear more about Rick Kelo, and read some more of his economic analysis, then go to About Rick Kelo to learn more.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Rick Kelo – Cultivating Ideas Through Social Media

Throughout his career, Rick Kelo has been helping to engage the wider public in a debate about the politics and economic systems that govern our lives. Kelo is an expert in economics, specifically taxation, having obtained a BS in economics and leadership from the United States Military Academy at West Point, as well as an MBA in finance from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also currently the head recruiter at his company TaxScout, a specialty-recruiting firm that exclusively works in the field of corporate taxation. But more than anything, Kelo believes his civic duty lies within educating the public about the complexities of the economy through his various blogs and social media sites. 

According to Kelo, the internet’s greatest power lies within its ability to reach a mass audience, enabling intellectuals like himself to inspire, inform, and educate others. The potential for connection and communication that the internet has brought to modern society was completely unprecedented only a few decades ago, giving educators, thinkers, and academics an outlet where they can discuss there beliefs and opinions with a broad audience, contributing to the internet community through their vast knowledge and experience.  

As a guardian of liberal democracy, Rick Kelo has discussed and critically analyzed many various topics related to the economy, including the harmful impact of Social Security on most of America’s citizens, the benefit of trade, barstool economics, the shortcomings of minimum wage, and the philosophies surrounding classic liberalism, amongst many others. In this way, Kelo has committed himself to helping promote an informed public that can think critically in order to make educated decisions – the heart of an effective democracy. 

One of the reasons Kelo’s blog is so effective is because of the clever anecdotes and analogies he uses to illustrate his points. For example, the old parable of “barstool economics” is an effective and entertaining response to the “tax cuts benefit the rich” mantra that has become commonplace in American economics. By using a realistic situation that uses 10 men buying drinks to represent the way American pay taxes, this allegory is able to explain a very important economic concept in a way that is much easier to grasp. 

Making economics easier to understand is the first step to making it possible for citizens to stand up against the government when it comes to unfair economic policies and practices. By helping the public become informed, Kelo hopes to empower people with the knowledge they need to have a say in one of the greatest debates of our generation.