Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo and The Optimal Progressive Income Tax Rate

Everyone struggles to get their taxes done by the April deadline. There are always so many different kinds of boxes to check. Should I check single? Should I file as married or put married, but filing separately? Should I file as the head of the house? Some may worry that, because they received a raise over the year that they will find themselves in a different bracket compared to last year, meaning that they will receive a higher tax than before. Is this punishment for working harder, better, faster, and stronger?

There are seven brackets for various incomes with different tax demands attributed to each of them. Each bracket is widely different from the other, meaning that the raise received would have to have been quite substantial. You would probably find yourself in the same bracket as the year before. This is, however, an example of progressive taxes, which is a tax in which the rate increases as the taxable amount increases. One of the main ideas behind progressive taxes is to reduce the income inequality gap found between the bottom quintiles and the top quintiles. Rick Kelo, an executive Recruiter for Taxscout Inc. with over ten years experience in the tax industry, has an interesting idea about what the optimal progressive tax rate would be.

One of Rick Kelo’s ideas for the optimal progressive income tax rate is that it is a flat tax averaging +/- 18%. He points out that the optimal progressive income tax rate should graduate at the bottom of the quintile rather than at the top, believing that it will motivate those at the bottom to work harder. It acts as an incentive for those receiving welfare and other governmental benefits to move up to the next quintile bracket, which has lower taxes. Therefore, when you receive that raise and move up into the higher bracket, you can feel good about yourself and strive to work even harder. It is also a disincentive for those who work the bare minimum to receive such welfare benefits.

More on income tax rates and the optimal progressive tax rates can be found on Rick Kelo on issuu. He explains a diagram found on CBO Distribution of HH Income and Tax that the bottom quintile received +20% gains whereas the Lower Middle Class received +13%, Middle Class received +11%, and the Upper Class, consisting of the 81%, received -95%. This diagram, however, is for December 2013 and does not pertain to August 19, 2016.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo- Contributing to Academic Forums Online

Of the many great things the internet age has beckoned in, one of the best must be the access to information that it has given us. Now, traditional education institutes have almost become less important, in the knowledge that the internet provides answers, information and lectures on just about anything we can imagine. It has also provided a platform for us to be able to communicate with academics, scholars and other highly educated people to answer out burning questions on complex topics. Quora.com is a great example of how the internet has connected the public and academic communities. For too long, people have seen scholars as being high up in their ivory towers. Whilst we have wanted to know the answer to complex problems and issues in politics, economics, literature and journalism, t has been very difficult to connect with experts in the field. This has been one of Quora's proudest achievements.

RickKelo is one such scholar who has been able to use his knowledge in economics to connect to those wishing to learn more about it. An outspoken classical liberal economist, Rick Kelo runs an insightful blog on which he tackles government economic policy with articulation and clarity. He is also an active contributor the the Quora forum, and has answered many important issues for users of the website.
In his portfolio he has answered questions spanning from what caused the 2008 financial crisis to free market capitalism and its pros and cons.

What is an important feature of Quora is that the contributors must explain the their topics of knowledge by answering the questions in a way in which those who are not educated in the field can understand. Rather than dilute the debate, this actually helps people like Rick Kelo engage the public with important issues, such as minimum wage meditations, national healthcare, social security among other burning issues.

In an age where governments seem to swing dangerously to the left side of the political spectrum, Rick Kelo sees his role and others educated like him to raise public awareness of the dangers of socialist economics. Using the internet and platforms like Quora is a great way to spread important ideas, and has democratized the public debate about the future of nations economic policies. Follow Rick Kelo on Issuu here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo and Exercising the Right to Knowledge

The digital age has often also been dubbed the information age. Technology has allowed in the past few decades for mass storage of colossal amounts of information to be stored on tiny devices. The accessibility of this and shareability of information new and old is very exciting in terms of education. The average person has, often literally, at their fingertips boundless digital stores and abilities to communicate in a global area to an extent that has historically never been possible. This means that everyone has a greater opportunity to exercise their right to access knowledge.

This also means that the number of people able to impart their own views has also expanded exponentially. Across the world this connection means that people are able to learn from each other in a way that is not geographically restricted, and this sharing of viewpoints broadens the horizons of education but also of understanding. The increase of blogging sites, public forums, and unique online communities such as Huffington Post and Reddit, shows a shift in the way we learn things and can analyze current affairs. Richard Kelo is a frequent contributor to the growing array of alternative news sources (read RichardArthur Kelo - A Guardian of Liberal Democracy, Presentation on Slideshare to learn more).

As a tax specialist recruiter, he draws on his experiences working with taxation professionals and large corporations regarding their taxation needs and requirements. Kelo’s academic background is in finance and with his studies in classic philosophical libertarianism he is able to provide quite a comprehensive view on the current issues of tax in the United States. When not to long ago his opinion would not have had an outlet, he now can offer a view to others across the country on how taxation looks from the inside. Essentially he hopes to educate people more on how taxation really affects them as individuals, and bring an air of transparency to what is a very important issue for voters of today.

Politically, Kelo supports the notion that a lowering of corporation tax by the federal government will lead to an improvement in economic growth. The recent recession has had an impact in recent years on his specialist industry, and it is one that is hotly debated yet a lot of people are unaware of the lasting effects of some of the government’s actions. His studies of classical thinkers surrounding the issues of personal liberty and civilian rights has lead to his desire to provide these finding online. Look up Richard Arthur Kelo on Tumblr, MSNBC or his personal blog posts for more.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Rick Kelo - Imparting a Unique insight on Taxation

In 2016 more than ever the issue of taxation is a pressing one. With the presidential election around the corner and campaigns on both sides really amping up their rhetoric on the economic consequences of their potential presidency, it can be easy to get lost in the mass of information. While an interest is healthy - indeed essential - in order to make an informed vote, there is a bombardment of conflicting information from media outlets and news sources.

More than ever, citizens are turning to online resources in order to cultivate a better understanding of how taxes implement markets, local economies and ultimately the individual. The internet provides a space for a more democratic input of knowledge and advice. Myriad blogsites and forums are cropping up which provide limitless information from otherwise unknown sources. One such person contributing his unique opinion to the debate is taxation recruiter Rick Kelo. Kelo has seen years of success as a specialist recruiter in corporation tax. His extensive exposure to high calibre tax experts and a knowledge of the tax concerns of large corporations means that he can offer a stance informed by years of experience. Look up Rick Kelo,tax recruiter at Taxscout, Inc. on SlideShare to find out how his work has informed his opinion.

Access to the internet allows for a greater, quicker spread of information about bulky issues such as taxation reform which, while crucial education for the voter, is often glanced over too briefly by television news shows or national newspapers. As a classical liberal thinker, Rick Kelo believes that by educating the public on the more complex economic circumstances surrounding taxation, people are in a better standing by which to form an opinion. In his article posts, he discusses the economic ideologies of the past in order to draw conclusions about current taxation regulations and how we can best change them.

 As an economics and finance graduate, Rick Kelo’s academic influences as well as his work experiences has allowed for a unique insight into the current economic situation. In adding his voice to the growing collection of information sources for any citizen, he hopes that a greater exposure to ideas like his own will help others get a broader spectrum of opinions and not be confined to the more traditional platforms of information. Have a look at Rick Kelo’s official account on Google Plus for more.