Rick Kelo identifies as a classic liberal and writes about his opinions frequently on his personal website, outlining the problems that he has with the organization of contemporary America. He is a particular fan of this quote from the revered Benjamin Franklin which states that ‘It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income’ and is a supporter of lowering taxes or of abolishing them altogether.
Throughout his time working in the financial industry Rick Kelo has gained the experience and expertise necessary to make informed judgements on the state of contemporary American taxation and he thinks that the level of income that the average American is forced to relinquish to governmental interests is deeply unfair. Why should the average hard-working American have to support those who refuse to work or may simply lack the same talents and application as the former? It seems senseless to Rick Kelo, who, in his time as a tax recruitment scout for many major businesses, has seen innumerable hard-working individuals and companies be forced to shoulder a social burden that has nothing to do with them.
Rick Kelo is drastically opposed to socialism and strongly believes that many of the major conflicts and struggles of the last one hundred years can be traced back to the unnatural imposition of this mode of government on people who simply don’t want it. He believes that the unwilling taxation of populations is tantamount to theft and regularly rages against the injustices that are perpetuated underneath the guise of ‘justice.’ In his own work, he is continually striving to reconcile these inequalities of purpose and to help the average tax-payer understand their rights in the face of this struggle.
It is this commitment to the tenets of classic liberalism that has been the force behind much of Rick Kelo’s success in the field of tax recruitment and indeed his business is continually expanding. Very recently, an article called ‘Tax Recruiting Firm TaxScout Opens New Office in Atlanta’ described the expansion of his business into a whole new territory and as we all know, expansion is proof of continuing corporate success. We wish Rick Kelo all the best in his new business endeavors and commend the alacrity of his mind when contemplating these difficult social and political issues.
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