Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rick Kelo- A Thriving Economy Built on the Values of Free Trade

For classical liberal economists like Rick Kelo, the key to thriving economies is to be able to break down trade barriers across the globe and allow for fruitful and positive business relations to be forged unchecked and uncontrolled. Rick Kelo has built up a reputable online presence, in which his articles tackle a variety of important issues centering on his economic background- from government policy, society and economy. His articles raise important debates and topics that could be key to the future of forging a better path for a prosperous economy in the future.

You can visit his blog here Richard Arthur Kelo - Lessons from History, Moralsfor Today to hear more about his ideas and writings. Rick Kelo graduated from the prestigious University of Chicago with an MBA in Economics and Finance. Here he was exposed to the influential writings of the Austrian and Monetarist traditions of liberal economics, with heroes in the form of Benjamin Franklin, John Locke and Ludwig von Mises. Rick Kelo's school of thought is apparent in his articulate writings discussing some of the most pressing economic discussions of the modern age. For example, in a recent article, Rick Kelo emphasized the importance of free trade and how it benefits global economies. The article used simple graphs, and simple explanations, ideologically free of bias, showing how the withdrawal of trade barriers benefits everyone involved.

The article was a great example how Rick Kelo's online presence has become so large in the past few years. His ability to convey complex information on finance and economics to those without the educational background is exceptional. The role of thinkers like Rick Kelo should be to widen the public debate and bring complex yet hugely important nation-determining issues to the public sphere without intimidating and boring readers.

It is a rare ability to be able to engage people with what are perceived to be boring matters, and make intellectuals like Rick Kelo invaluable in shaping popular opinion to form an even greater nation. Rick Kelo's diverse range of subjects and entertaining and articulate voice mean he will no doubt continue to build up a reputable online presence, and help shape the opinion of the electorate. Follow RICHARD ARTHUR KELO on Pinterest o keep up to date with his latest discussions and ideas.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Rick Kelo - Inciting Political Engagement

Some would argue that what has disillusioned the populations of countries with modern politics is the complications of the systems which they run. It could be argued that this is underhanded tactics from politicians. The more complicated issues such as social and economic policy sounds,the more likely people are to get bored of it and not want to engage with politics. This means less vigilance and less care, and in effect more power to the politicians who can act with less control than they'd be able to otherwise. This has lead to some reckless decision making in our time, culminating in the global financial crisis in 2008. However, events like this will become commonplace should something not be done to tackle this general apathy towards politics.  

 This is why for people like Rick Kelo, Helping to Engage the Wider Public in political debate about he future of the country is key to the prosperity of a nation. But how to do that has become the big question of out time. Luckily, the internet has provided the perfect platform on which people can get access to information. The other question is how do we use the freedom the internet has granted us to engage people more politically. Educated individuals like Rick Kelo have taken responsibility for trying to do something about this. Rick Kelo has built up a reputable online presence, in which he runs various websites and bogs proliferating his ideas about politics, society and economics. What has made Rick Kelo's posts so engaging is his ability to explain complex ideas and philosophies in an understandable manner, making them more accessible to all.

Rick Kelo studied economics and finance, where he was exposed to and influenced by the ideas of the Austrian and Monetarists schools of thought. Even for economists these ideas remain complex, so trying to share their importance with the wider population is no easy task. What Rick Kelo is able to do in his concise and comprehensible writings is put these complex old economic notions in a contemporary context, and help people understand how they can be utilized for future economic prosperity.

Rick Kelo also weighs these ideas up against the decision and policies being made by governments today. In his articles he shows how many policies of the last ten years hamper the countries' economic freedoms and civil liberties, often taking the most money from the hardest working members of the population. Find out more from Rick Kelo- A Guardian of Liberal Democracy here.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Rick Kelo- An Experienced Professional in Economics

Few would argue that there is no substitute for experience, and it can be one of the most invaluable skills to possess. In modern business, experienced heads are the most sought after when it comes to steering the direction of new businesses to success. Rick Kelo's many years of working in the tax industry have made him a knowledgeable and respected member of the community. Rick Kelo is the Head Tax recruiter at the thriving organization TaxScout Inc, and has built a towering reputation in the industry. His skills in judging character and potential of applicant s and employees are unrivaled in the industry, making him one of the most sought after tax recruiters in the country.

You can check out his Recruiter Profile: Rick Kelo in Chicago, IL, here. Rick Kelo was always a diligent student, top of the graduating classes in both West Point Academy and Chicago University where he received his MBA. Today, Rick Kelo likes to use the critical thinking and analytical skills he developed in higher education to write insightful articles on his increasingly popular blog. These articles highlight one very important trait of Rick Kelo- that he is prepared to ask the difficult questions. Using this skill in the world of recruiting can mean getting to the core of a persons character and potential by being inquisitive without being disrespectful. Asking questions about and of a potential employee that many wouldn't even consider asking, is what makes Rick Kelo such a skilled judge of character, and is the reason he is able to attract so many bright minds to the industry.

One of the most satisfying aspects of Rick Kelo's role, he says, is the chance to match good, skilled employees with the right business to help both parties flourish. On top of this he has build a reputable online presence, and tackles the big debates of our time in politics and economics with zeal. Having strong beliefs and being able to apply them to your work and life is important to Rick Kelo. Being able to express your opinion in an articulate manner, whilst inspiring and influencing others around you is an admirable trait, and one in which Rick Kelo fully utilizes in his life and work. Find out more about him on Rick Kelo Offical Account on LinkedIn.