would argue that what has disillusioned the populations of countries with
modern politics is the complications of the systems which they run. It could be
argued that this is underhanded tactics from politicians. The more complicated
issues such as social and economic policy sounds,the more likely people are to
get bored of it and not want to engage with politics. This means less vigilance
and less care, and in effect more power to the politicians who can act with
less control than they'd be able to otherwise. This has lead to some reckless decision
making in our time, culminating in the global financial crisis in 2008.
However, events like this will become commonplace should something not be done
to tackle this general apathy towards politics.
is why for people like Rick Kelo, Helping to Engage the Wider Public in
political debate about he future of the country is key to the prosperity of a
nation. But how to do that has become the big question of out time. Luckily,
the internet has provided the perfect platform on which people can get access
to information. The other question is how do we use the freedom the internet
has granted us to engage people more politically. Educated individuals like
Rick Kelo have taken responsibility for trying to do something about this. Rick
Kelo has built up a reputable online presence, in which he runs various
websites and bogs proliferating his ideas about politics, society and
economics. What has made Rick Kelo's posts so engaging is his ability to
explain complex ideas and philosophies in an understandable manner, making them
more accessible to all.
Kelo studied economics and finance, where he was exposed to and influenced by
the ideas of the Austrian and Monetarists schools of thought. Even for
economists these ideas remain complex, so trying to share their importance with
the wider population is no easy task. What Rick Kelo is able to do in his
concise and comprehensible writings is put these complex old economic notions
in a contemporary context, and help people understand how they can be utilized
for future economic prosperity.
Kelo also weighs these ideas up against the decision and policies being made by
governments today. In his articles he shows how many policies of the last ten
years hamper the countries' economic freedoms and civil liberties, often taking
the most money from the hardest working members of the population. Find out
more from Rick Kelo- A Guardian of Liberal Democracy here.
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