Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Rick Kelo - High Taxation Has Negative Consequences For The Economy

Rick Kelo is a classical liberal thinker and he believes that tax is actually bad for the economy. In his opinion the less the government taxes its citizens, the more those citizens are able to prosper. The effect of high taxation on the economy is always negative, and people who are taxed are less inclined to spend, damaging business on a national level. On his website Rick Kelo quotes Benjamin Franklin who is a historical figure that he has nothing but the highest respect for. Benjamin Franklin once said that ‘It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income’ and Rick Kelo could not agree more. He believes strongly that contemporary Americans are being taxed much too highly and this is the real reason why the economy has gotten into such a state. Benjamin Franklin’s words of wisdom have been wholly disregarded and we are living with the consequences of that neglect in the present day.

As Rick Kelo has worked in the finance industry for many, many years, we can be sure that his opinions on taxation are well-researched and well thought through. Rick Kelo is not the type of man to make judgements lightly and he always has the best interests of the American people close to his heart. The recent recession affected him deeply and his sympathy lay with all the hundreds of thousands of normal hard working Americans who had been let down by the system. Faulty economic planning is something that affects the nation as a whole and currently the majority of us are paying for things that we don’t even want. The Rick Kelo official account on LinkedIn lists the many roles that Rick Kelo has performed in the financial industry, gesturing towards a wealth of experience that gives his opinions and beliefs significant credence. The present system has gone wrong and it is normal Americans who are paying for these errors and mistakes

Rick Kelo - Chicago, IL — is an exceptional tax advisor and his company, TaxScout, Inc. is there to help every individual and company who is currently struggling to work their way through the innumerable mechanisms of the current taxation system. With his years of experience in the industry, Rick Kelo is a great choice of person to help you navigate through these tricky waters.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Rick Kelo - Why Tax Is Actually Bad For The Economy

Rick Kelo is a firm believer in a classical liberal approach to the economy and believes strongly that the less tax, the better. In his website he says that a quote that he extremely admires is that of Benjamin Franklin when he states that ‘It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income’ and Rick Kelo really believes that this gem of wisdom is true. A sad fact about American society today is that Benjamin Franklin’s cautionary words have been heedlessly ignored. Today, people are taxed more than ever by an intrusive federal government and the economy is really feeling the effects.

Rick Kelo is a veteran of the financial industry and his opinions are extremely well informed. He has seen the effects of the current economic policy up close and knows how individuals are paying out of their own pockets for things that they have never even wanted: they are the victims of disastrous policies and faulty economic planning that unwisely punishes the person that they should be helping: the average hard-working and economically productive American. Rick Kelo’s attitude towards taxation is that it punishes people and does not really help them at all: any movement towards a socialist ethos has negative implications for the country as a whole. Rick Kelo has worked in the industry for many years, as described by the Rick Kelo official account on LinkedIn and as a consequence he is eminently well-suited to make these judgments.

The person that we need to be helping in the current economic crisis (and this is by now a crisis of belief) is the average hard-working American, who has been misled and taken advantage of by the system for far too long. The work that Rick Kelo carries out with his company TaxScout, Inc. is committed to going some of the way to solve this disparity of consequence. Why should the middle-man suffer so extensively?

Rick Kelo - Chicago, IL - is a good economic and taxation advisor to anybody who approaches him and has done outstanding work in the industry for many years now. We hope that with the expansion of his own company following their great successes that Rick Kelo will continue to spread his message throughout the landscape of contemporary America.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Rick Kelo - Classic Liberalism

Rick Kelo identifies as a classic liberal and writes about his opinions frequently on his personal website, outlining the problems that he has with the organization of contemporary America. He is a particular fan of this quote from the revered Benjamin Franklin which states that ‘It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income’ and is a supporter of lowering taxes or of abolishing them altogether.

Throughout his time working in the financial industry Rick Kelo has gained the experience and expertise necessary to make informed judgements on the state of contemporary American taxation and he thinks that the level of income that the average American is forced to relinquish to governmental interests is deeply unfair. Why should the average hard-working American have to support those who refuse to work or may simply lack the same talents and application as the former? It seems senseless to Rick Kelo, who, in his time as a tax recruitment scout for many major businesses, has seen innumerable hard-working individuals and companies be forced to shoulder a social burden that has nothing to do with them.

Rick Kelo is drastically opposed to socialism and strongly believes that many of the major conflicts and struggles of the last one hundred years can be traced back to the unnatural imposition of this mode of government on people who simply don’t want it. He believes that the unwilling taxation of populations is tantamount to theft and regularly rages against the injustices that are perpetuated underneath the guise of ‘justice.’ In his own work, he is continually striving to reconcile these inequalities of purpose and to help the average tax-payer understand their rights in the face of this struggle.

It is this commitment to the tenets of classic liberalism that has been the force behind much of Rick Kelo’s success in the field of tax recruitment and indeed his business is continually expanding. Very recently, an article called Tax Recruiting Firm TaxScout Opens New Office in Atlanta described the expansion of his business into a whole new territory and as we all know, expansion is proof of continuing corporate success. We wish Rick Kelo all the best in his new business endeavors and commend the alacrity of his mind when contemplating these difficult social and political issues.