Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rick Kelo on the Virtue of Charity

As Rick Kelo points out charity is a frequently abused concept.  Politicians often abuse our basic notion of charity as a talking point to advocate something that isn't charitable.

Imagine for a moment that, in the dead of winter, you saw someone give their coat to a homeless man.  You'd consider the giver charitable and probably think well of them.  Now imagine that same cold winter day, but this time someone puts a gun to a passer-bys head and forces him to hand his coat over to the nearest homeless person.  You wouldn't consider the person giving his coat away charitable in that instance.

Rick Kelo - outspoken pacifist
Rick Kelo, as a Classic Liberal, knows that charity is only charity if it is voluntary.  Once it's forced it isn't charity.  "You're free to share anything that you own, but when you share your next door neighbor's car to me that's theft," Rick points out.

So the next time you hear a politician clamoring for a law on the grounds of "charity" ... say free birth control for anyone who wants it, or a bail-out for a mega-bank... remember to keep your natural impulse to be charitable in check because it isn't charity if it involves taking something by force first.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Rick Kelo Talks Locations Socialism Has Been Tried

Most people know that the USSR was Socialist, but did you know Iraq was a Socialist country until the U.S. invaded in 2003?  Rick Kelo, an outspoken advocate of human freedom, has been raising public awareness about what actually constitutes Socialism and where people can look for examples of its usage.

Some of the examples Rick Kelo provided of lesser known countries which were / are socialist include:

  • Syria
  • Iraq prior to 2003
  • India until the 1991 economic reforms
  • All Soviet satellite nations
  • China prior to 1984
  • Afghanistan prior to 1979
  • Venezuela
  • And a great many African nations that were a breeding ground for Marxism during the Cold War.  Two notable examples being Somalia & Zimbabwe.
Rick A Kelo