Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo and Exercising the Right to Knowledge

The digital age has often also been dubbed the information age. Technology has allowed in the past few decades for mass storage of colossal amounts of information to be stored on tiny devices. The accessibility of this and shareability of information new and old is very exciting in terms of education. The average person has, often literally, at their fingertips boundless digital stores and abilities to communicate in a global area to an extent that has historically never been possible. This means that everyone has a greater opportunity to exercise their right to access knowledge.

This also means that the number of people able to impart their own views has also expanded exponentially. Across the world this connection means that people are able to learn from each other in a way that is not geographically restricted, and this sharing of viewpoints broadens the horizons of education but also of understanding. The increase of blogging sites, public forums, and unique online communities such as Huffington Post and Reddit, shows a shift in the way we learn things and can analyze current affairs. Richard Kelo is a frequent contributor to the growing array of alternative news sources (read RichardArthur Kelo - A Guardian of Liberal Democracy, Presentation on Slideshare to learn more).

As a tax specialist recruiter, he draws on his experiences working with taxation professionals and large corporations regarding their taxation needs and requirements. Kelo’s academic background is in finance and with his studies in classic philosophical libertarianism he is able to provide quite a comprehensive view on the current issues of tax in the United States. When not to long ago his opinion would not have had an outlet, he now can offer a view to others across the country on how taxation looks from the inside. Essentially he hopes to educate people more on how taxation really affects them as individuals, and bring an air of transparency to what is a very important issue for voters of today.

Politically, Kelo supports the notion that a lowering of corporation tax by the federal government will lead to an improvement in economic growth. The recent recession has had an impact in recent years on his specialist industry, and it is one that is hotly debated yet a lot of people are unaware of the lasting effects of some of the government’s actions. His studies of classical thinkers surrounding the issues of personal liberty and civilian rights has lead to his desire to provide these finding online. Look up Richard Arthur Kelo on Tumblr, MSNBC or his personal blog posts for more.

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