Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Rick Kelo - Imparting a Unique insight on Taxation

In 2016 more than ever the issue of taxation is a pressing one. With the presidential election around the corner and campaigns on both sides really amping up their rhetoric on the economic consequences of their potential presidency, it can be easy to get lost in the mass of information. While an interest is healthy - indeed essential - in order to make an informed vote, there is a bombardment of conflicting information from media outlets and news sources.

More than ever, citizens are turning to online resources in order to cultivate a better understanding of how taxes implement markets, local economies and ultimately the individual. The internet provides a space for a more democratic input of knowledge and advice. Myriad blogsites and forums are cropping up which provide limitless information from otherwise unknown sources. One such person contributing his unique opinion to the debate is taxation recruiter Rick Kelo. Kelo has seen years of success as a specialist recruiter in corporation tax. His extensive exposure to high calibre tax experts and a knowledge of the tax concerns of large corporations means that he can offer a stance informed by years of experience. Look up Rick Kelo,tax recruiter at Taxscout, Inc. on SlideShare to find out how his work has informed his opinion.

Access to the internet allows for a greater, quicker spread of information about bulky issues such as taxation reform which, while crucial education for the voter, is often glanced over too briefly by television news shows or national newspapers. As a classical liberal thinker, Rick Kelo believes that by educating the public on the more complex economic circumstances surrounding taxation, people are in a better standing by which to form an opinion. In his article posts, he discusses the economic ideologies of the past in order to draw conclusions about current taxation regulations and how we can best change them.

 As an economics and finance graduate, Rick Kelo’s academic influences as well as his work experiences has allowed for a unique insight into the current economic situation. In adding his voice to the growing collection of information sources for any citizen, he hopes that a greater exposure to ideas like his own will help others get a broader spectrum of opinions and not be confined to the more traditional platforms of information. Have a look at Rick Kelo’s official account on Google Plus for more.

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